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Its time to get started...

We are excited about starting this gardening blog. It's been a long winter and we are in need of something pretty to talk about. So let's start talking about flowers. The Easter Lily is a beautiful and fragrant flower that is forced in a greenhouse to bloom in time for Easter. It can be planted outdoors, but it can be tough to keep as an indoor plant. So here are some tips on how to enjoy the lily for years to come.

Growing Indoors:

Keep the Easter lilies indoors to enjoy them when they're blooming. When you buy them, these plants have probably been tended for several years and coaxed to bloom in spring. It can be challenging to grow an Easter lily as a re-blooming houseplant. Keep the Easter lily inside while it's blooming, then move it outdoors for the summer.

Moving Outdoors:

After the Easter lilies finish blooming, remove the flowers. This will allow the plants to store energy in the bulb rather than setting seed. Move the lilies outdoors when it's consistently above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant Easter lilies in an area with part sun and well-draining soil. The roots need cooler temperatures, so plant the bulb deep enough so the top of the bulb will be 6 inches below the soil's surface. Add a thin layer of compost around the lily to provide additional nutrients. Easter lilies generally grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8.


Easter lilies can be expected to bloom each year in midsummer. The plants reach up to 4' tall with as many as 8 blooms per plant. The blooms can be up to 8" long and have a funnel shape. You can encourage lily blooms by removing the pollen covered anthers from the center of the flower. Remove the anthers with your fingers or tweezers (keep in mind this pollen can stain).

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